PlantWise Help

Reporting Volumes - Menus

There are three menus:
  • The File menu commands:
    • Save Model
    • Save Model As
    • Close the dialog.
  • The Edit menu commands:
    • Rename opens the Rename Component dialog;
    • Delete allows you to delete the selected reporting volume.
  • Display menu commands:
    • Zoom To will cause CAD to prompt you to select a view. When a view is selected, the volume will fill that view.

      You can then select other views in CAD and they also will be zoomed so the entire reporting volume fills the view.

      Note: Some times the Zoom To will affect the clipping planes. If the volume does not appear in the view, turning off the front and/or back clipping plane should make the pipeway visible.
    • Highlight changes the drawing level of the selected volume to Highlight (drawn in magenta) so that it can be easily located;
    • UnHighlight returns the volume to its normal drawing level.